RiT Tech Proudly Sponsors Kickstart Europe Conference 2024!

Feb 13, 2024

We are excited to announce that we are proud sponsors of this year’s Kickstart Europe Conference, one of the most highly anticipated strategy and networking events for digital infrastructure in Europe. If you're attending, we would be delighted to connect with you!

New ParaJeff Safovich, our Chief Technology Officer, will be participating in a panel on 27th February, focusing on the impact of regulations on data center development. Join us for insightful conversations and an opportunity to explore the evolving landscape that lies within the digital economy.

To find out more about the event and Jeff's participation, click here.

If you haven't registered yet, secure your spot by following this link.

RiT Tech is committed to research and development, innovation, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing within the data center industry. As pioneers of automated infrastructure management, we continue to invest in our cutting-edge technology, and we look forward to engaging with industry leaders, partners, and attendees at Kickstart Europe Conference 2024 to find out their perspective on the future of data center infrastructure management.

We look forward to seeing you at Kickstart in Amsterdam on 26th and 27th February!

Register to attend here, or contact our team to meet up at the event.

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